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100% Satisfaction guaranteed !! or get your Money back *


We price match quotes for you to experience the quality of our service *

What to Expect

  • 100% Human Powered Transcription
  • ISO 9001:2015 Standards
  • NDA Protected Orders
  • 99% Accuracy or more
Need Help?

US   : 1-800-230-7918
UK   : +44-80-8238-0078
AUS : +61-1-8003-57380
What do we transcribe

  • Conference call
  • Telephone recording
  • Voicemail
  • Movies
  • Skype recording
  • YouTube Video
  • MP3 Audio
  • Video
  • Digital video file
  • Presentation
  • Podcast
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Broadcast
  • CD
  • DVD
  • Closed captioning transcription
  • SRT
  • Post production
  • Certified
  • Deposition
  • Government
  • Law enforcement
  • Police
  • Investigative
  • Insurance
  • Property
  • Wiretap
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Digital
  • State laws
  • Federal laws
  • Legal proceedings
  • Court trials
  • Business Dictation
  • Outsourced
  • Verbatim
  • Time Stamp / Time code
  • Dissertation
  • Academic
  • Lecture
  • Seminar
  • Educational
  • Webinar
  • Thesis
  • Market research
  • PHD Materials
  • E-Books
  • Research
  • Online Classes
  • Infotainment
  • Research & Development
  • Podcasts
  • Digital Courses
  • Discourses
  • Presentation
  • Verbatim
  • Time Stamp / Time code
  • Focus group interview
  • Interviews
  • Group discussions
  • Job Interview
  • Research Interview
  • Journalist interviews
  • Business Meetings
  • Sermon
  • Meeting
  • Corporate
  • Financial
  • Professional
  • Online
  • Skype Meetings
  • Telephone interviews
  • Business Presentations
  • Webinars
  • Multiple Speakers
  • Verbatim
  • Time Stamp / time Code
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latin
  • Mandarin
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Tagalog
  • and many more
  • general_electric general_electric
  • nasa nasa
  • Social_Security_UAS Social_Security_UAS
  • intel intel

online Services in Corpus

(Quick Transcription Service provides Transcription Services, Translation Services, Typing Services, Captioning Services and DVD Conversion Services in Corpus Christi, Texas. )

Corpus Christi is a city located in Texas with the population of about 305, 215 that makes it to be the eighth most populous city in Texas. Corpus Christi was nicknamed as "Sparkling City by the Sea". The city experiences humid subtropical type of climate with hot summers and mild winters. Corpus Christi is Well-known for its education and various learning institutions.

We at Quick Transcription Service besides providing general transcribing service and audio typing service, also provide broadcast transcription, deposition transcription, Sermon Transcription, insurance transcription, Academic transcription, educational transcription, meeting transcription, legal or court transcription, Oral History transcription, conference transcription, digital transcription, telephone transcription, video transcription and focus group transcription.

We not only transcribe from the audio type digital files but also from tapes, CD (CD transcription), DVD (DVD transcription) and cassettes in order to give a flexible option to our clients.

All of our transcription services are available at clean and verbatim transcription with or without time codes “timecoded”) formats.

We accept digital audio or video formats including DSS, AVI, WMA, WAV, MP4, MP3 and all major digital formats.

We are an ISO standards transcription and translation company. Our major services include transcript translation services and closed captioning service in Corpus Christi, Texas.

We provide Online Transcription Services, Translation Services, Typing Services and Captioning Services in and around Corpus Christi, Texas.

QTS provides various DVD/CD Conversion Services in and around Corpus Christi, Texas. Visit our Pricing Page to know more about conversion pricing or call us at 1-800-230-7918.

We also offer 4, 12 and 24 hours rush transcription or same day transcription services and we guarantee the cheapest transcription cost in the industry. Our affordable transcription and translation price and accuracy have made us to become the leading company and stay on top in this competitive industry.

Our Services: Audio Transcription, Corporate Transcription, Spanish Transcription, Business Transcription, German Transcription and Captioning Services.

(Common Tags: Transcribing Service Corpus Christi, Texas, Audio Transcription Corpus Christi, Texas, Transcription Services Corpus Christi, Texas, Translation Services Corpus Christi, Texas, Transcription Company Corpus Christi, Texas, Translation Company Corpus Christi, Texas, Captioning Company Corpus Christi, Texas, Closed Captioning Company Corpus Christi, Texas, VHS to DVD conversion Corpus Christi, Texas, VHS to CD conversion Corpus Christi, Texas, Cassette to DVD conversion Corpus Christi, Texas, Tape to DVD conversion Corpus Christi, Texas)

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